Tesco Lotus (Thailand and Malaysia) Design Sprints, App consolidation, launching a Speedy Delivery (scooter) service & Studio Lam…

Design Team Lead / Creative Direction - Sam Fuller
UX Lead / Workshop Facilitator -
Pamela Moscarda
Senior UI / Camera / Editor -
Mike Riddell
Product Manager -
Tom Moat

From April 2019 I lead the international design team (focussed on Loyalty but with a wider remit) at Tesco, including Thailand, Malaysia and Central Europe. I was Responsible for creating and running teams across various countries to work in the loyalty landscape holistically, bringing them together and learning from each other.
The first project we tackled was consolidation of 2x Thai apps and 2x Malaysian apps (grocery shopping and loyalty) into a single codebase/UX.

I was also responsible for the delivery of the app experience for the faster grocery (scooter) delivery in Thailand (predecessor of Tesco Whoosh) alongside running the discovery and implementation phases of the Grocery in a Box (3rd party deliveries) in Czechoslovakia, with additional tests in Hungary and Slovakia.

App consolidation 5 day design Sprint

Building bridges & communicating success,
with video.

Obviously sending a crack UX team to Thailand help our Thai colleagues understand the value of the Design Sprint approach was no small undertaking for the business, so as design team lead on this, demonstrating the value and ROI to both the Thai side of the business and back home was paramount. It was also immense fun and a great way to break down cultural barriers when you can get the whole team goofing around on camera.

E-Stamps, Gamification for loyalty & fascinating learnings on cultural differences/similarities.


Call of Duty MW3 - Elite App


Tesco Clubcard & Shop App